Crandon Mine Reports Digitized

The University Library has provided approximately 137 volumes of the Crandon Mine Reports to the UW-Digital Collections making the collection more accessible. The Crandon Mine Reports provide researchers access to information about the Crandon Mine permit process that occurred from between 1976, when the Exxon Coal and Minerals Company discovered a zinc-copper ore body located in northeastern Wisconsin near the city of Crandon, to 2003, when the Nicolet Minerals Company withdrew its permit applications after purchase of the project lands by the Mole Lake Sakaogon Chippewa and the Forest County Potawatomi Tribes. The Crandon Mine Reports, which continues to be updated with new reports and resources, are part of a larger Ecology and Natural Resources Collection that bring together, in digital form, two categories of primary and secondary publications: writings about research in ecology and natural resources conducted by University of Wisconsin faculty an...