International Open Access Week - Oct. 19-25, 2020
This week, the UWSP Libraries celebrates Open Access Week, and the theme this year is “Open with Purpose: Taking Action to Build Structural Equity and Inclusion.” Open Access Week is a time for libraries to coordinate in taking action to make openness the default for research and to ensure that equity is at the center of this work. The COVID-19 pandemic also highlighted the increased dependency on electronic resources and the importance of open access to information. The UWSP Libraries highlights this week by illustrating how open resources and repositories transform the way research is conducted in an equitable and inclusive way. Featured Resource: MINDS@UW is an institutional repository that collects, preserves, and shares scholarly material created in the University of Wisconsin System. The UWSP Librarians are happy to help you deposit your research in MINDS@UW. Social Media Features : Check out our social media pages this week featuring six theses from UWSP grad...