Waste by Catherine Coleman Flowers

Waste: One Woman's Fight Against America's Dirty Little Secret By Catherine Coleman Flowers Call Number: RA 567.5 .V6 2020 Review from the New York Times Publisher's Description : The "Erin Brockovich of Sewage" tells the riveting story of the environmental justice movement that is firing up rural America, with a foreword by the renowned author of Just Mercy Catherine Coleman Flowers grew up in Lowndes County, Alabama, a place that's been called "Bloody Lowndes" because of its violent, racist history. Once the epicenter of the voting rights struggle, today it's Ground Zero for a new movement that is Flowers's life's work. It's a fight to ensure human dignity through a right most Americans take for granted: basic sanitation. Too many people, especially the rural poor, lack an affordable means of disposing cleanly of the waste from their toilets, and, as a consequence, live amid filth. Flowers calls this America's dirty secret....