The Library has upgraded to Ebsco's Academic Search Complete . Complete is a multi-disciplinary database, with full-text for more than 9,000 periodicals, including more than 7,500 peer-reviewed journals, as well as indexing for more than 13,000 journals. Dates of Coverage: 1887-present Updated : Daily Coverage of Subjects : archaeology, astronomy, biology, chemistry, engineering, ethnic and multicultural studies, food science, general science, geography, geology, law, mathematics, music, physics, psychology, religion and theology, women's studies, and other fields. Access : Available through the Library's Homepage (click on Search@UW tab, or click on "Databases by Subject" link) How do I access through my mobile device or add it as an app? EBSCOhost Databases -- Mobile Default search is Academic Search Complete or select "Choose Databases" to search other EBSCO products. Supported devices: iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Bla...