Metalib will be going away the end of the year

Old Gateway to Databases - Quick Search
The Library’s subscription to our current database gateway will be ending December 31, 2013. This will mean the pathway (or gateway) to our databases will be changing, but the content still remains. 

Functions such as “Article Quicksearch” and custom searches will no longer be available, but you may perform the same search in the Search@UW interface or by combining Ebsco databases, through the “Choose” databases function. 

New Gateway to Databases - Search@UW
We will also have a new pathway guide that 
will provide access to all of our databases by subject, alphabetically by name, and provide a search box to find a specific database.   This guide will be available from our Library Homepage by the beginning of the Winterim session.   

If you have any questions, please contact Terri Muraski at or ext. 3349.


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