Words Have Power! Banned Books Week

Banned Books Week, Sept. 24 – 30, 2017 This week we celebrate banned books and the power of words! All libraries are forums for information and ideas, and librarians safeguard access to information by working to protect the freedom to read. Libraries, bookstores, and schools will celebrate the power of words this week and highlight the dangers of censorship. Books have been challenged for decades based on a variety of issues, such as offensive language, violence, sexually explicit content, or religious views. The American Library Association's (ALA) Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) reported an increase of challenges in 2016. Check out our Library Lobby display celebrating the power of words. We also have free Banned Books bookmarks available at the Circulation and Reference Desks this week. Another fun activity is to take part in the Virtual Read Out . S ince the inception of Banned Books Week in 1982, libraries and bookstores t...