Library Labs Workshops - Fall Schedule

Please join us for our fall semester Library Labs. These workshops are free, open to the campus community, and no registration is required. 


Keepin’ It Real: Tips and Strategies for Evaluating Fake News

​Fake News is becoming a real problem for individuals that rely on web delivered news (often via social media) to help them make sense of the world. This library lab will define fake news, provide examples, and discuss strategies and resources to help you successfully identify “news” content that is out of context and/or motivated by political or social bias.
Date(s) and Time(s): Tue. Oct. 3 - 3:00 p.m.
Location: Room 316 ALB
Presenter(s): Dave Dettman
Audience: Campus Wide
- Approved for SBE Events Credit

Library Resources for Business Research

This hands-on workshop will feature the Library’s Business Premium Collection and demonstrate how to find scholarly articles, trade publications, industry and market research, commodity reports, company reports, and country reports.
Date(s) and Time(s): Tue. Nov. 14 - 3:00 p.m.
Location: Room 316 ALB
Presenter(s): Mindy King
Audience: Campus Wide
- Approved for SBE Events Credit

3D Printing and Scanning

​3D Printing and scanning have opened up new means of creation and thus unleashed imaginations of countless users. This workshop will provide an introduction to those technologies in general and also the explore the specifics of what the University Library can offer to those interested in making use of these unique tools.
Date(s) and Time(s): Tue. Dec. 12 - 12:00 p.m.
Location: Room 310 ALB
Presenter(s): Matt Sonnenberg
Audience: Campus Wide
- Approved for SBE Events Credit


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