Book of the Week (April 23, 2012)

Wildflower Wonders:  The 50 Best Wildflower Sites in the World
By Bob Gibbons

Call Number:  QK 85.5 G53 2011

Wildflower Wonders showcases the most spectacular displays of wild blooms on the planet, from infrequent flowerings in the Mojave and other deserts to regular but no less stunning alpine wildflower "events" in Italy, South Africa, and Australia. This magnificently illustrated volume features 200 panoramic, full-color photographs as well as a color map for every site and at-a-glance information panels that highlight the kinds of flowers at each location and the best times to see them in bloom. The informative text gives a botanical profile of each location, and also describes the ecology and conservation status of these sites and the animal life to be found at them.  Wildflower Wonders is a visual feast for travelers and armchair naturalists alike.

More info from the Princeton University Press


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