Welcome Jennifer Huffman - new Serials/ILL Librarian

The University Library is pleased to announce that Jennifer Huffman is the new Serials/Inter-Library Loan Librarian. Her responsibilities in the Library will also include Reference and Instruction.

Jennifer comes to the position most recently from UW Fox Valley where she worked as a Reference Librarian and Library Services Assistant, and she volunteered at the Appleton Public Library for five years. 

Prior to coming to UWSP, Jennifer worked for a number of years for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources as a Hydrogeologist, Storm Water Specialist and Recycling Specialist. She was formerly a Hydrogeologist at Foth and Van Dyke Engineers and Architects and a Geologist for the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. She brings to UWSP a rich background in natural resources.

Jennifer holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology from Michigan State University, and a Master of Library and Information Science from UW-Milwaukee.

Jennifer can be reached at her office, Room 211 (Library), ext. 2371, or jhuffman@uwsp.edu


Congratulations Jennifer! Libraries are awesome!
--Tom Sturm

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