Welcome Dave Dettman - new Assessment Librarian!

The University Library is pleased to announce that Dave Dettman is our new Assessment Librarian. In this role, Dave will plan, design, develop, facilitate, and implement collaborative library assessment initiatives. He will also participate in the Library’s instruction program and engage in scholarship and service.
Prior to this position, Dave was the Director of Library and Campus Technology at UW - Marathon County for seven years, and was the Coordinator of Information Literacy and Outreach at UW – Green Bay for two years. He also worked as a reference and instruction librarian at UW-Green Bay for six years. Dave has been active in governance and has presented at several state library conferences.
Dave, his wife Amy, and their three children, live in the Weston area.

“Stealing” a bit from the Proust Questionnaire, here are some more fun facts about Dave: 
Which talent would you most like to have?

“There are so many predictable talents that I would like to possess (singing, carpentry, artistry, dancing, power eating) that I am compelled to go with one that is a bit less mainstream. I would really like to have the ability to bend spoons with my mind. I would spend a lot of time haunting restaurants famous for their soup. “

What is your current state of mind?

“With so much going on personally and professionally my state of mind changes quickly but I always find myself in a great place. I enjoy how my mind is challenged and enriched each day here at UWSP and then twisted in dozens of wonderful ways at home by 10 and 8 year old boys and my 4 year old daughter. “

What is your favorite cuisine?
“I lived in Milwaukee for six years and really became attached to Indian food. Just the thought of the chickpea curry at the Maharaja restaurant on Farwell Ave. makes my mouth start watering. “

Where is the last place you traveled?

“Well, aside from here to home and back each day the last memorable trip I took was a couple of weeks ago with my daughter to Chuck E. Cheese’s in Green Bay.  If you go, don’t expect great pizza but if you are like me and can play skee-ball all day you owe yourself a visit.”

Who are your favorite writers?

“This is a really difficult question. If I could invite four of them to a dinner party the guest list would be as follows (in no particular order).”  Toni Morrison, William Faulkner, James Joyce, Suzanne Collins.

What is your motto?

“The one that comes most often to mind is a phrase coined by Albert Einstein and then recycled and used by musician Frank Zappa (talk about your interesting dinner party guests). The quote is “information is not knowledge.” It is paramount that we (citizens of the world) keep this in mind as we ramble daily over an ever increasing landscape of information. Just because we can quickly amass a mountain of text and images on any given subject does not mean that our knowledge of that subject increases. Only by sifting and winnowing through that information and holding it up against the scrutiny of critical thinking will we better understand. “

Dave can be reached at his office, Room 012A, ext. 4206, or ddettman@uwsp.edu.


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