Making at UWSP: Stop Talking, Start Doing!
If you get a chance, check out the exhibit “ Maker: People, Places, Things ” currently being showcased at the Smith Scarabocchio Art Museum. I attended the opening reception last Friday, and found it inspiring to say the least. I was fortunate enough to talk to the featured artist, Wendy (Schmidt) Hynes and her husband, Morgan Hynes. Both have a wealth of experience in makerspaces and I could have picked their brains all night for nuggets of information. The gem that hit me over the head was a comment made by Wendy when I shared our ideas; “sounds like you guys need to stop discussing, and just start doing!” Yeah, that made me pause for a moment. Could we really just start doing? “Photo from the exhibit “Maker: People, Places, Things” by Wendy (Schmidt) Hynes” The more I thought about it, the more I realized that we are actually already DOING. And while officially we have never called it a makerspace, I think we have more than a...