7th Annual Faculty/Staff Scholarly and Creative Works Symposium and Reception - April 7th

The University Library, along with the Office for Academic Affairs, looks forward to hosting the 7th Annual Faculty/Staff Scholarly and Creative Works Symposium and Reception on Thursday, April 7th (4:30-6:30 p.m.) in Room 650 (Library).

We are thrilled to have a faculty representative from each college as our featured presenters, with opening remarks from Todd Huspeni, Interim AVC for Teaching, Learning and Academic Programs.


World Languages 

Health Care Professions (CPS)

Wildlife Ecology 

    The intention of this event is to celebrate and showcase the work of our campus colleagues. While we may know what our department colleagues have done in the area of scholarship and creative works, we don’t always know about the work of our colleagues in other departments or colleges. Having the opportunity to learn what people are doing on campus may also lead to future collaborations.

We encourage all campus faculty/staff to submit any scholarly or creative works. Your work can be submitted electronically. The Library is also willing to pick up materials from offices.  We would like to have submissions by April 4th. 

We will also include a brief bio and photo for each person submitting work.

Please contact the Library (Nerissa Nelson nnelson@uwsp.edu or Heather Springer hspringe@uwsp.edu) if you have any questions.

We hope to see you there!


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