Celebrating Women's History Month with Featured Speaker Valentina Peguero, PhD.

The University Library Celebrates Women’s History Month featuring guest speaker, Valentina Peguero, PhD, UWSP Emeritus Professor - History Department.
March 16, 2016, 7:00 p.m.
University Library – 900 Reserve St.
Reference Studio (1st flr)

Please join us for Dr. Peguero’s presentation, “Dominican Pioneer Women: Accomplishments and Diversity.”
This event is free and all are invited.

Valentina Peguero received her PhD from Columbia University in New York City. Her latest publication, Mujeres pioneras Dominicanas : datos biográficos y bibliográficos, is an encyclopedia about pioneer women of the Dominican Republic. Her other publications include Japanese Immigration to the Dominican Republic, Caribbean Women's Grassroots Organizations: Real and Imagined Female Figures in the Dominican Republic, and The Militarization of Culture in the Dominican Republic


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