Featured Book: How to Be an Indian in the 21st Century by Louis V. Clark III (Two Shoes)

In honor of National Poetry Month, a book of prose and poetry published by the Wisconsin Historical Society Press

How to Be an Indian in the 21st Century

By Louis V. Clark III (Two Shoes)

Call Number:  PS 3603 .L36526 Z46 2017

Publisher's Description:  Take a life-long journey, in prose and verse, with Oneida author and poet Louis V. Clark III (Two Shoes), who chronicles his voyage from schoolyard bullies to workplace barriers -- and the loves and lives in between -- to discover "How to Be an Indian in the 21st Century." Warm, plainspoken, and wryly funny, Clark shares his own American Indian story, talking frankly about a culture's struggle to maintain its heritage. His deceptively simple, poetic storytelling matches the rhythm of the life he recounts -- what he calls "the heartbeat of my nation," -- from childhood on the Rez, through school and into the working world, and ultimately to his life today as an elder, grandfather, and published poet.
Clark's unique voice takes readers on a deeply personal and profound quest through a wide range of subjects -- from workplace racism to falling in love and the Green Bay Packers -- to discover for himself what it means to be an American Indian.


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