Meet Kyle Neill, Instruction & Digital Archivist

The University Library is very happy to welcome Kyle Neill to our staff as the new Instruction and Digital Archivist. Kyle started working in the Library on July 2, 2018.
Prior to joining UWSP, Kyle worked at the UW-Madison Special Collections Library, and also the Wisconsin Historical Society. He recently completed his M.A. in Library and Information Studies with an Archival focus from UW-Madison, and he holds a B.A. in History from UWSP (he's a Pointer!).
Here are a few more fun things about Kyle:

Where are you from: Originally from Minnesota, but in my most recent 14 years I have lived mainly in Wausau.
What is your favorite movie? Braveheart, Gladiator, The Patriot… Really any historically inspired (albeit inaccurate) action movie.

What is your favorite book? I’m actually not much of a reader (Hey, archivists don’t have to be!).

What is on your bucket list? Enjoy a Guinness in Dublin, start up a family homestead with my brother.

Do you have any hobbies? I play acoustic and bass guitar, enjoy disc golf, and am a homebrewer/vintner.

What are your first impressions of working here, and what might you look forward to while working here? I love how friendly and welcoming everyone is, and I really enjoy the strong sense of Central Wisconsin pride and local history! I look forward to aiding researchers with archival materials and teaching classes on using and researching in the archives.

Do you have any pets? Nope, but that will change soon for the sake of my dog-loving wife.

You can reach Kyle at 715-346-3893 or


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