Celebrate OPEN ACCESS WEEK! October 21-27

What is Open access (OA)? It refers to freely available, digital, online information. Open access scholarly literature is free of charge and often carries less restrictive copyright and licensing barriers than traditionally published works, for both the users and the authors. 
“Open Access Week is an opportunity to take action in making openness the default for research—to raise the visibility of scholarship, accelerate research, and turn breakthroughs into better lives. It also is an important opportunity to catalyze new conversations, create connections across and between communities that can facilitate this co-design, and advance progress to build more equitable foundations for opening knowledge.” (source: The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition).

While OA is a newer form of scholarly publishing, many OA journals comply with well-established peer-review processes and maintain high publishing standards. There are many discipline specific and multi-disciplinary open access journals
Depositing your work in an open access repository is another way to share your research. The UWSP Libraries has created a guide to help you deposit your research into the UW System’s institutional repository, MINDS@UW.

UWSP faculty can deposit their original or previously published research into MINDS@UW broadening the reach of their research. Many journals allow authors to upload published articles, especially preprints.


The UWSP Libraries is holding three MINDS@UW free workshops for faculty and staff this fall 2019 semester.

In these workshops, you will learn more about this institutional repository, how it can expand the reach of your scholarship, and step-by-step instructions of how to deposit materials.

All workshops will be held in ALB 316 taught by Troy Espe. For more information and to register for these free workshops, click here:

OCTOBER 21 (12-12:45)
OCTOBER 25 (1-1:45)
DECEMBER 13 (12-12:45)


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