Trivia 44 countdown...

Another sleepless weekend of Trivia 44 is about to happen for at least two members of our library staff. 430 questions in 54 hours, and they are gearing up for the challenge.

We asked them a few questions to see how they’ve done in the past, and if their library skills or resources have ever come in handy. Can you guess who they are?
What is the name of your team?  Bongwater Cretins from Hell; Shipoopi on Rice

How long have you been playing?  About 10 years; 4 years under Shipoopi name and 3 under another name.

How many people are on your team? About 30; 20 

Where has your team ranked?  Best so far, 19th place; 72nd place in 2010 was our best year. 

Do you ever use any library resources to answer questions?  Not as often as I’d like; No. 

What food or drink keeps you going?  Jaeger Bombs & lots of coffee; Cheetos, pizza and soda.  

Do you take shifts with people?  We don’t have a formal system, but it usually just works out; We always have night and day crews.  

What’s the weirdest (or one of them) question you remember?  Hard to remember; that weekend is a big blur! 

Want to know more about Trivia?

Check out “Triviatown” the super fabulous documentary film available in the Library!

And the trailer

And more from where it all started on the UWSP 90FM radio station!

Good luck!


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