New way to access digital magazines through Flipster - trial database

University Library has a trial to Flipster

A New Way to Access Digital Magazines

~ The One-Stop-Shop for Digital Magazines Allows Library Patrons
to Browse the Latest Issues of the Most Sought After Magazines ~

The University Library now has a trial access to digital magazines using Flipster from EBSCO. Flipster is a next-generation digital magazine service that allows people to browse the latest issues of high quality digital versions of popular magazines.

To access the 30-day trial, go to our Trials page (right hand side) 

Magazines, such as
·         Time
·         Business Week
·         Comsopolitan
·         Forbes
·         AppleMagazine
·         Popular Science
·         Sports Illustrated
·         Popular Mechanics
·         Consumer Reports
·         People
 can be downloaded to iPads or iPad Minis via a native app for offline reading anytime anywhere.

Flipster offers an easy, browseable reading experience. Users can browse magazines by category as well as perform searches for specific periodicals. An online newsstand provides a carousel of the most recent issues, as well as a carousel of all issues allowing for quick access to magazines. The table of contents contains links to quickly go to articles of interest and hotlinks within magazines are hyperlinked, opening in separate tabs when clicked. In addition, there is an option to zoom in and out for better readability.

To learn more about Flipster, visit


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