Featured Honor’s & LRES 380 Intern

Name: Nick Kubley

Hometown: Stevens Point, WI

Majors: Computer Information Systems, Web and Digital Media Development

The Library congratulates Nick Kubley as he graduates this spring! Nick has worked in the Library as an Honor’s Intern for 3 years and this spring completed the LRES 380 internship. In addition, Nick worked as a Technology Tutor in the Tutoring and Learning Center.

LRES 380 Projects:
Text Similarity Scoring System – A tool to aid comparison of text strings for a variety of purposes. The original goal was to help find potential predatory publishers.

Honors Intern Projects:
     • Find a Study Space: http://www.uwsp.edu/library/Pages/studySpaceSearch.aspx
     • 3D Printing Support: http://www.uwsp.edu/library/Pages/3D-Printing.aspx
     • 3D Digital Model Generator Demo: http://www.uwsp.edu/library/SiteAssets/app/stl/index.html
     • Kiosk Carousel Demo: http://www.uwsp.edu/library/SiteAssets/carousel/index.html

What did you learn from your internships?
More than can be put on this webpage. Some things I have learned include developing mobile apps, 3D printing, working for a university, working with SharePoint, more programming skills, about general library operations, about library information systems, ideas on how to work with multiple departments to coordinate plans, a lot of trivia from daily conversations with my co-workers, and much more.

What did you like most about working in the library?
It has very innovative work. I like exploring many ideas, and using them in some way. I also liked the friendly workplace and working with the various librarians.

What are your hobbies?
I am interested in many things, including computer programming, philosophy, history, writing, psychology, art, general science, geography, physics, politics, and gaming.

What art have you made?
I have some of my writing published in the UWSP Tutoring and Learning Center’s publication Wordplay available here: https://www.uwsp.edu/tlc/Pages/wordPlays.aspx . I have work in there for the Spring and Fall 2016 semesters.

I also have some of my art here: http://philosophicalgamer.webstarts.com/ . It is out of date, though. I plan to move it to a newer website. I do not have content up yet, but I plan to post all of my work at http://www.theoriginalgranderologist.com/  in the near future.

What is your biggest inspiration?
The drive to understand and explore possibility. It can be its own inspiration.

What is your current state of mind?
Confused. I am near graduation, and it does not feel like it is this near. I am not sure what to expect, but it looks like it will be an interesting time no matter what.

What are your plans after graduation?
I am taking a short vacation, and then plan to work for a while outside of UWSP. Long-term, although I am not sure exactly how long, I also plan to go to graduate school to continue my education.

I am thinking of a number between 1 and 10. What do you think it is?

What is your motto?
Learn, think, and be caring. All three are needed.


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