Loan Periods for Library Items

Due to a new UW System-wide Library policy, faculty and staff are now limited to three renewals for most library materials. This essentially allows materials to be checked out for two years. After three consecutive renewals, we ask that you return the materials to the Library. This policy has been put into effect to help keep our collection available not only to users at UWSP, but also to users across the UW System. In return, UWSP faculty, staff, and students enjoy the benefit of access to collections across the entire UW System.

Any item that has been supplied by another UW System Library will be re-routed back to its home institution.  We are not able to extend loan periods for these items beyond the two-year limit.  We are able to issue new loans for any items that belong in our collection.  The materials must be brought back to the Library, however, in order for a new loan to be issued.   This process allows us to verify the item’s location, check for hold requests that others may have placed on the item, and then issue a new loan if the item has no requests. We appreciate your understanding and thank you for working with us as we adapt to the challenges of operating within the new policy.

If you have questions please contact the Library Circulation Desk (x2540 or


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