Participate in Open Access Week, Oct. 24 - 30

This week is International Open Access Week, and the UWSP Libraries marks the occasion by raising awareness on the value and practice of open access (OA) publications in academia and how researchers can contribute to the OA movement.

International Open Access Week is organized by the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) and was established in 2008. The purpose is to provide an understanding and opportunity for the academic and research community to continue learning about the potential benefits of Open Access, to share their expertise with colleagues, and to help inspire wider participation in making Open Access a norm in scholarship and research.


The theme this year is on Climate Justice and encouraging connection and collaboration among experts participating in the open access community to ensure access to critical research related to our climate.

The UWSP Libraries provides access to the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals. For example, related to the theme of climate justice, you can find the latest research, such as "Seasonal variability of future extreme precipitation and associated trends across the contiguous U.S.," Frontiers in Climate, 2022. 

To support the Open Access model and movement, the UWSP Libraries is piloting an open access option with Wiley Publishing. For the remainder of 2022, Wiley is offering our campus five articles published by UWSP authors in eligible Wiley journals, and they will cover 100% of the Articles Process Charges (APCs). After these articles are exhausted, UWSP authors will receive a 10% discount on APC charges in any Wiley open access journal. Wiley will notify the author of the eligible APC credit or 10% discount during the submission process. If you are planning to publish your work this year, we encourage you to apply before December 31, 2022. 

To participate, please use the following Wiley site that describes the publishing process for submitting your work:

In addition to the Wiley open access offer, the UWSP Libraries supports MINDS@UW, the UW System institutional repository designed to gather, distribute, and preserve digital materials. We encourage faculty, staff, and students of the UW System, along with their research collaborators, to deposit in MINDS@UW. You can find more information about MINDS@UW through our MINDS@UW guide here.


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