Congratulations to Carrie Kline - Regents University Staff Excellence Award Winner!

The University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents on Friday honored and presented our very own Carrie Kline (Library Circulation Supervisor) with the Regents University Staff Excellence Award. 

This high honor recognized Carrie's dedication to the UW campus communities and supporting student success. An award of $7,500 will go to the Library for professional development or program enhancements.

"Carrie joined UWSP in 2018 and leads the daily operations of the Circulation department of the University Library, supervising and scheduling about 25 students and 100 hours of building operation per week. She assists with marketing and outreach, including promoting the libraries on the University Library Facebook and Instagram accounts. During the COVID-19 pandemic, she researched safe methods to access library materials, which allowed the library to function effectively throughout the pandemic. She also advocated for the physical and mental health safety of members of the university community as she worked to initiate a hybrid model for service. She served as a critical bridge between internal staff operations and ensuring that student support remained front and center. In addition, Carrie provided considerable support to the physical relocation of the University Library operations for the multi-year replacement of Albertson Hall. Her work to organize and assess the collection resulted in a significant reduction of materials that needed to be moved to the temporary location. Carrie also serves on numerous committees and working groups. She co-chairs the Library’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion working group and is an active member of the Common Council and University Staff Council."

Library Director Mindy King was honored to travel with Carrie to celebrate her Regents Award. "It should come as no surprise that Carrie represented herself, University Staff, and the Libraries exceptionally well, and had a beautiful message to share." 

(You can listen to Carrie's acceptance speech here Awards portion starts at 18:00 and Carrie's portion starts at 24:48). 

Congratulations, Carrie! We are honored to be your colleagues! 

L-R: Chancellor Gibson, Carrie Kline, Library Director Mindy King, Provost Cornell-Swanson

See full Regents press release on the University Staff Excellence Awards. 


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